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We have been using the Equiband Pro system with our horses (both young and old) for close to a decade, and we're thrilled to add this wonderful therapy product to our lineup!  From building topline strength and developing proper posture in young horses, to kissing spine rehabiliation, to improving the posture and topline of high performance competition horses, the Equiband does wonders for all horses!


How it Works: The Importance of Core Strength

Core musculature stabilizes the horse’s back in movement. Core strength helps to prevent the development of back pain and injuries. The Equiband®Pro system has been designed specifically to stimulate receptors in the horse’s skin and hair follicles.
In response to this stimulation, the abdominal, oblique, sublumbar and deep neck and back muscles are activated. These muscles stabilize the spine, and engage the hindquarters during movement.
Regular use of the Equiband®Pro system strengthens this core musculature, making it easier for the horse to work with an optimal posture, which reduces the risk of pain and injury due to hollowing or instability of the joints in the neck and the back.
The Equiband®Pro system (est. 2011) is a completely unique design that promotes continuous core activation during ridden, lungeing, or in-hand exercise. 


Backed by Research, Recommended by Veterinarians


this unique system has since been integrated globally into core strengthening and conditioning programs for equine athletes at every level of performance, and as a preferred implement in equine rehabilitation for various clinical conditions.

Equicore Concepts has become an established brand name in numerous equestrian disciplines, and the Equiband® Pro system is used by riders and trainers from novice to Olympic level. The Equiband® Pro system is globally endorsed and sold by leading equine sports medicine veterinarians and licensed equine therapists.

Equicore Concepts prides itself on the fact that the Equiband® Pro system is, to date, the only equine resistance band system on the commercial market whose benefits are backed by multiple independent peer-reviewed clinical research projects.

Equiband Pro System, Equicore Concepts

    • For optimal care of your saddle pad, Equicore Concepts® suggests delicate wash in cool water with a mild detergent with low tumble dry or air drying after washing. Avoid frequent machine washing in order to preserve the longevity of your pad.
    • The Equiband® Pro resistance bands can be washed with petroleum-free soap, rinsed, and left to air-dry before storage
    • Do not leave bands exposed to full sun/extreme cold
    • Do not use fly spray over the bands or over any area where the bands are in direct contact with the horse
    • Brush the horse thoroughly where the bands will lay, to remove any debris
    • For best storage, roll (do not fold) the bands

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